Saturday, March 26, 2011

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The creation of the District Motor and drive of the People. Possible

In earlier days had been highlighted in a letter to create the first community, following the steps set forth in the Organic Law of Municipalities, this time the digital media, account for the creation of a Motor Development District, created in figure Organic Law of the Federal Government and carried briefly in the rules of that law.

Two news
want to emphasize in this regard, the first to speak of a future Motor Development District and another that announces its creation and justification of recovering the South Lake area after the impacts suffered by heavy rains in the area.

The first press release dated March 18, 2011 at the Daily Periodiquito (1) announces that it assesses the possibility of creating a District Motor Apure River, extending for six municipalities in the states of Apure, Barinas and Guarico,

This press release to read that Mayor Camaguán, Jose Vasquez, this proposal seeks full use of the natural and human resources of these prairie towns and the main objective is to promote activities of a partner production in line with the revolutionary process.
camagua Mayor recalled in the press release, the municipalities of San Fernando apureños, Biruaca and Achaguas and the guariqueños of Camaguán and Guayabal with jurisdiction Arismendi Barinas of output have Apure River, and all are strategically located less than an hour each, which is extremely positive. He said the project has a high viability, which increased with the construction of the railway in Los Llanos, which runs through the center of the country to San Fernando, as with the new geopolitics of the nation.

The second press release announcing the formal establishment of a Motor Development District for the South Lake, and dated March 25 El Universal (2) notes the decision by President Chavez to create this figure for the reconstruction of communities south of Lake Maracaibo, which have been severely affected by heavy rains that are registered in the state since last October 2010.

The information indicates that the creation of this District Motor Development The president approved a total of 450 000 000 181 000 99 Bs with nine cents for the Reconstruction Plan of Reorganization and South of Lake Maracaibo.

Add a press release that Vice President Elias Jaua explained that "the creation of the Motor Development District will allow the National Government generate land throughout this region, while achieving economic and social development throughout the South Lake.

is also reported in the press release, the Reconstruction and Reorganization Act of South Lake Maracaibo involving 17 municipalities, three states, covering an area of \u200b\u200b1,057,942.40 hectares.

The municipalities are: Francisco Javier Pulgar, Semprum Jesús María, Sucre, Columbus and Catatumbo, State Zulia Heiva Garcia, Pan American and Tachira Samuel Darío Maldonado, Alberto Adriani, Tulio Febres Cordero, Julio César Salas, Bishop Ramos Lora and Caracciolo Parra Olmedo, Merida state, as well as La Ceiba, Sucre, Bolívar and Monte Carmelo, Trujillo state.

Three aspects should call the attention of this news release:

1. Motor Development District is seen as a particular political organization, which includes several municipalities that do not belong to the same state.

2. In the case of Apure speaking of the proposal as a contribution to the revolutionary process and the new geopolitics of the nation.

3. In the case of South Lake is talk of a strategy to enable the Government to build the system territory of the whole region.

therefore speak of a figure that has been created with the following characteristics:

1. It is a territorial unit in a discretionary manner decreed by the President, and as stipulated in the Organic Law of the Federal Government and its regulations, responds to a sustainable development model, endogenous and socialist building, consolidating and People's Power and strengthening of the productive structure socialist.

2. This involves creating political designation of a single authority to be appointed by the President of the Republic.

3. They have the same design as the communes, in the sense that Article 21 of the Regulations of the Federal Government can be expected to create these districts Engine Development while not match the geographic boundaries of a state or municipality.

4. Article 22 of the Rules of the Act states that will also have its own District Development Plan.

In other words, this is another figure whose implementation is changing slowly and quietly the management of the national territory, imposing political authorities and a development plan own resources for its origin in the National Executive, will impose a strong central design and the design is moving away Decentralized Federal State under the Constitution. Carlos Romero

(2) http://economia

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"PM" with Leo and VERO, starting Monday, 16 HS.

On Monday at 16 pm. Telefe presents "PM", under the leadership of Veronica Lozano and Leo Montero. The afternoon will be more fun with live mobile, news, hints of color and important guests.

accompany Vero and Leo Cayetano, Pia Shaw, Fernanda Iglesias, Augusto Tartufoli, Luis Piña y Gastón Trezeguet.

On Monday "PM" will feature a live mobile to Pablo Echarri. The star of "The Chosen" will confess to Vero and Leo in a talk to be missed. Besides this first program will feature a special surprise for the children of GH2011 and many other attractions.


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This Saturday at 14.30 pm., Telefe presents a new issue of "Zoobichos" the series devoted to the animal world, under the leadership of Maria Eugenia Molinari and Dario Lopilato.

This travel program and Dario Eugenia San Antonio de Areco in the province Buenos Aires to gaucho show our roots. There shall

racing rings, learn to dance the samba, interview an expert from the "Doma India" and present different activities taking place in the Argentine countryside.

addition, "coach dogs" will test their tools against a "Golden" uneasy calm that leaves their owners, Juan Acosta presented to your pet, in "laboratory" and Dario Eugenia investigate the characteristics of a snake "false charges" and also every Saturday will present "The animals" the adventures of the funniest animals.

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making of the District Development Motor Rio Apure. On the exclusion

On March 18, 2011, THE Periodiquito Aragua , as digital information on the possibility of creating a District Motor del Rio Apure.

Focused achieve activation of the project for the creation of District Development Motor Apure River, which covers six municipalities of Apure, Barinas and Guarico, a meeting was held in Flour Processing Plant Enriched precooked corn built by the Bolivarian government in Achaguas, which was attended by the governors Ramón Carrizales, by the entity apureña, Luis Enrique Gallardo guariqueñas land and Carlos Arturo Hernández, secretary general of the government of Barinas, along with José Vásquez mayors, municipality Camaguán (Gua), Daniel White Biruaca (Apu), Jose "Cheo" Guayabal Morales (Gua) and the host mayor, Algeria Aguirre de Figueredo.

These authorities have been working with the aim of establishing an integration that allows enhancing the productive capacity of this group of jurisdictions plains are bordered by a tributary of the Apure River, with full provision within each of the regional governors to achieve local activation, due to the great benefits it will bring to each of the jurisdictions.


Camaguán Mayor, Jose Vasquez, made the presentation as a precursor to this proposal that seeks the integral use of natural and human resources of these prairie towns. He said the main objective is to promote socio productive activities in line with the revolutionary process.

Vásquez apureños argued that the municipalities of San Fernando, and Achaguas Biruaca and the guariqueños of Camaguán and Guayabal with jurisdiction Arismendi Barinas of output have Apure River, all are strategically located less than an hour between itself, which is extremely positive. He said the project has a high viability, which increased with the construction of railway Los Llanos, which runs through the center of the country to San Fernando, as with the new geopolitics of the nation.

added that this interconnection guarantees the raw material of social production companies that exist in the area, such as Corn Processing Plant located in Achaguas and Dairy Processing Camaguán, increasing its production levels , while encouraging and producers buffalo-meat products, milk products, while also taking into account the potential to exploit the area fish, foods that will take the Red Mercal and Pdval, while generating economic development and therefore improved quality of life for those living south of Venezuela.

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For the governor of Guarico, Luis Enrique Gallardo, the project will achieve the goals of the Simón Bolívar in light of developments in the central plains and the strengthening of the People. "The District Motor raises full use of all of creative capacities of human resources, budgetary talent and skills that are part of the strategic reserves to advance llaneras entities."

He added that This will be improving people's living conditions is fighter plains, a tireless and dedicated to the task of the field. "We plan an intensive schedule in order to realize this development agenda to optimize the good life in this part of the country."

For its part, the governor of Apure, Ramon Carrizales Rengifo, said the effort put into this project has been felt as a sign of existing desire to advance hand in hand with the ideals of the revolution. "We are looking to realize a dream that we are hearing about for years, I said that in several instances we have seen the mayor with his book Jose Vasquez under his arm, handing it to whom I want to receive and explaining to whom I want to hear, talking about this pole Motor Development District which is essential to transform the country's reality. "

stressed that once you take out all legal and administrative steps are required, "which will be put in place as soon as possible", it will make this dream a reality. Said officially handed aspiring president, Hugo Chávez Frías, during the visit will be made to the entity apureña in April.

Source: Nancy Martinez


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Community Councils. Public Law Professors

On March 25, 2011, includes a news Reporteros24 The National reports the exclusion of some community councils, the note specifically states:

have heard it all: back another day, the papers were lost, made the process incorrectly, you must repeat the elections. These are part of the reasons delaying the process of adaptation that had to take more than 30,000 associations formed throughout the country to adapt to the new Organic Law of Communal Councils, culminating in December 2009. In the offices of Fundacomunal entity which must register these organizations, citizens have seen a bureaucracy, which also has segregated.

Leaders like Manfredo Gonzalez qualify him for political apartheid. Communal councils will be responsible for electing the members of the community board, replacing the parish, in elections of the second degree, according to the recent reform of the law of municipal government. "If you do not register, you can not participate," he said.

addition, communal councils power to choose members of the Councils Estate Planning, whose law was also reformed and forced to adapt those instances where a deadline next week.

legalization Lack of resources limits the procurement executive, in February approved the transfer to the communes of 1.9 million from the Fondemi Bs.

Although Chacao community councils have no record, advance projects such as the controlled parking.


Gonzalez is on its hands before managing to get the certificate from the municipal council that belongs, which is located in The Marquis. The complexity of the process, the constant changes in legislation and work to get the record has shocked many community initiatives. But spokesmen for the organization, however, have decided to dispense with national government resources and work jointly with the Municipality of Sucre.

The Fact: The National Front Excluding Community Council has a blog and Twitter account @ ccexcluidos Neighborhood Association The Marquis still survives and through it with RIF and bank account.

"There are community councils that have taken the necessary steps to ensure the registration and still do not. The adequacy of the municipal council to the new law, among other things, depends on signing a document that tells your community council is working for the socialist country and that the creek is not worldwide, "he said.

González is clear in the numbers:

Of the 27 community councils that are in neighborhoods in the municipality of Sucre, only 1 has succeeded in obtaining registration. Barriers to adaptation affected areas where residents are supposed opposition.

The situation is repeated in other towns: in Baruta, 80 formed communal councils, 37 managed to get the record and the majority has period covered. In Chacao, only the neighborhoods of El Pedregal, La Cruz and Pajaritos are legal, the rest of the municipality, articulated in 23 clusters, the process has failed.

discrimination prompted the establishment of the National Front Excluding communal councils, which will make its first big meeting tomorrow at 10:00 am in the Plaza Brion in Chacaíto. The organizers of the activity has come in contact with over 1,000 organizations that consider themselves discriminated against. The meeting will coordinate a network of citizens who require equal conditions for participation. Be installed in place a kind of box office only, which organizations will attend and give advice if necessary, explained Kiome Scovino, a member of the committee organizing the activity.

Rep. William Ojeda, the Bureau of Democratic Unity, the front supports and promotes a bill that seeks to promote the autonomy of the popular "This situation means that anyone with a community initiative is inhibited, frustration. We believe in people power, but without tutelage, without it being an extension of the ruling party. "


News academics from various universities to denounce Venezuelan arising through press reports, forums and prosecutions of systematic rape by the public authorities of the 1999 Constitution, and promote human rights, democracy and social state of law ( This group was founded in December 2010 under the legislative activity in the election fraud of the September 26, 2010 deployed by the outgoing National Assembly. The group of teachers so far published a communiqué signed by about 150 university professors of law and political science, introduced March 1, 2010 an action invalidity of unconstitutionality against the Organic Law of People's Power in the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court. From January 2011 to date there have been talks and forums at universities, Academy of Political and Social Sciences and Institute of Accountants on the impact and scope of the laws enacted in December 2010 by the National Assembly.
3. Facing the open media system of citizen participation freely exercised within the framework of political pluralism guaranteed by the Constitution of 1999, the American Convention on Human Rights (23.1) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (25th) Organic Law of People's Power (hereinafter LOPP) and other laws of the People established a closed system of citizen participation subject to the guidance of the National Executive and oriented, solely and exclusively to the construction of socialism as the only valid ideology for those who want to participate in public affairs and the attainment of the objectives of the Venezuelan State.

4. The LOPP commit fraud to the Constitution of 1999 and the popular will, as reprinted one of the basic principles of constitutional reform project rejected by pretending 2/12/1907 modify the structure of the Venezuelan State with the creation of a new "People Power" of a "communal state" and a "Communist or Socialist State," to render meaningless the State Constitution, the Constitution 1999 defines as "social democratic, law and justice", which has three levels of government, with clear separation between state and society and between the branches and functions of public power. With that, the viola LOPP international obligations contrary to the concentration of power in one instance, such as those arising from the Inter-American Democratic Charter and the Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the right to vote, to vote because it disregards a popular decision, sovereign, through acts that defraud the popular will.

5. The LOPP violates the right to participate freely in public affairs protected by the Constitution 1999, the American Convention on Human Rights (23.1) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (25th), it deprives persons constituting any of the 'instances' of People's Power (community councils, communes, communal cities, etc.). the legitimate autonomy of action and that are prescribed under coercion (sanctions, refusal to supply of resources, etc.) what will be their only targets political, economic and social well integrated into the People, namely: the "construction of socialist society" and the implementation of the "Economic and Social Plan of the Nation." Indeed, the legal status and legitimacy of the authorities People's Power to participate in public affairs and access to state resources to invest in works and services for communities, depends on its registration with the Ministry of Communications Executive Branch, and provide that registration is entirely discretionary is not subject only to the provision of formal requirements. In addition, the LOPP and other laws, require these entities together with government to build the socialist society and implement the Economic and Social Plan of the Nation, which is nothing but the lines for execution by the State of ideological principles and purposes of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). In fact, to exercise social control (sort of para-police supervision of these entities on private companies and NGOs) bodies must act in accordance with socialist principles.

6. The LOPP violates the right to equality and non-discrimination protected by the Constitution of 1999, the American Convention on Human Rights (24) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (26) as members of the People's Power bodies will the only ones with access to resources managed by the State and making an impact on communities when the 1999 Constitution allows for other means of participation other than those instances, equally legitimate. While LOPP and other laws of the People are not mandatory for anyone enforcement because it is 'optional' the form a Community Council, community, or any other instance of the People to participate, the truth is that these laws give preferential treatment these instances from all other citizens made up outside of them, as foundations and civil associations, as when access to state resources, consultations for the public decision-making and access to foreign exchange (as Venezuela has control changes) of People's Power bodies always have the preference before any other form of organization, irrespective of social emergency.

7. Finally, the LOPP and other laws of the People, especially the Organic Law of Communal Economic System create a communal economic system as the only model which can target instances of the Popular Power (community councils, community, etc..), Thus undermining against economic freedom, understood, individual autonomy, the citizen, to decide in what direction will exercise that freedom, protected by the Constitution of 1999, the American Convention on Human Rights (16) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( 22).

8. The Organic Law of People's Power violate the property rights acquired as a result of free enterprise or exercise the right to work, protected by the Constitution of 1999, the American Convention on Human Rights (21.1) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural (6 and 7), not just large landowners and businessmen, but also of small owners and workers, in particular, creates serious obstacles for homeowners who are not, they are vulnerable or have a weak economic position because of their status as inhabitants of urban slums, women heads of households, indigenous peoples, homeless people, peasants, etc., since it places the figure of ownership. Social ownership, as the definition contained in paragraph 15 of Article 6 of Law Community Economic System is not a real right other than their own private property or state property, they would have individuals to use, enjoy and dispose of certain types of goods (mass production) state is a special regulation to be subject to certain goods (means of production, agricultural land, urban land, housing, strategic companies, etc.) owned (title to be the essential attributes State alleges the LOPP) and, in the process of replacing the system of social market economy (which is laid down in article 299 of the Constitution of 1999) by the Community Economic System, will be used as an excuse to limit, in the beginning and then permanently delete the private ownership of the means of production of goods and services, to subject them to public ownership so that private goods and services will become, in a coercive, unconstitutional and without applying the guarantees expropriations, state property.

9. In general, economic and social, the purpose of these laws of People's Power in Venezuela to establish and strengthen the communal state, the communal economy and the socialist model of central planning and social ownership of the communal economy, which are fundamentally incompatible with the price system, free enterprise and private property. In instances of People's Power is only appropriate central planning (just decided by the Executive), community economic practices and social ownership, laws justify the alleged 'pass' of the means of production in general (large companies or small businesses family or community) of private property to public ownership-state-for the collective interest prevails over the particular. They are forbidden to enjoy profits for carrying out economic activities despite this being one of the purposes of the exercise of free enterprise and private property.

10. The LOPP and other laws of the People eliminate labor rights regime, which only exists in a social market economy, including trade unions, and replaced by a system of barter, exchange, solidarity, reinvestment of surplus, where such rights (salaries, utilities, vacations, bonuses, etc..) are supplanted by tokens or food rations, clothing and other items for mere survival.

11. In economic terms, these laws provide mechanisms 'legal' to implement the Social Plan 2007-2013 and the Red Book of the PSUV, which posit the abolition of economic freedoms of all people, especially the poorest, contrary to the recommendations of reports such as that developed by the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor Law: the key to inclusive development. "

12. First Question. How can they ensure the laws of People's Power free autonomous participation of citizens in public affairs if they economically and politically dependent on the participation of compliance with the official ideology of socialism in the XXI century and civil society makes a structure more than nation-state?

13. Second question. How to avoid the laws of the People to create discriminatory treatment between citizens with equal rights, if you rely on the participation and access to resources, contracts, consultations, etc., observance of the ideology of the Party of Government?

14. Third question. How to avoid the laws of the People's concentration of power in the hands of the National Executive when they create a parallel state, which replaces the States and Municipalities (local and regional governments in Venezuela under the Constitution of 1999), made by bodies People's Power, who have no income of their own and depend economically on the National Executive?

15. Fourth question. How to respect and ensure the laws of the People's political and economic pluralism characteristic of democratic societies if they impose a single political model and an economic model only those wishing to participate in public affairs and access to public resources to address social problems?

16. Fifth question. How the laws of the People respect the rights of property without establishing safeguards for existing property rights (no guarantees apply to the possible expropriation of private property passes to the social) and do not confer ownership rights housing, agricultural land, urban land, community businesses, indigenous peoples' lands, etc..?

17. Sixth question how respect People's Power law labor rights, building on the principle of social reinvestment of surplus funds generated by any economic action of the socially owned enterprises (whose number is ever-increasing) is not for payment of labor rights and benefits but to be administered by the Government?

18. First recommendation to the State: To recommend to the Venezuelan State to initiate a public consultation process (as there was none before being sanctioned) laws of People's Power, following the recommendations of communities, human rights NGOs, academies and other expressions civil society, new laws in derogation of those, we do guarantee free participation in public affairs.

19. Second recommendation to the State: To ask the Venezuelan state a report that explains whether the laws of the People welcome the recommendations of the Report of the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor on how to achieve inclusion of the poor through, inter alia, the recognition and protection of property rights.

20. Third recommendation to the State. Request a report to the Venezuelan State to explain whether the laws of the People respect and guarantee the labor rights of members of People's Power bodies and those persons who work in those areas where work in attention to principles contrary to those rights and social reinvestment over the abolition of the division of labor and the elimination of trade unions.


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fixed position on the People's Power. C. Communal

On March 12 2011, web portal, reports that by not having the certificate Fundacomunal, the community council variants of Guayas, which is part of the group of 335 organizations that make life in Guaicaipuro, may not enroll in the Local Public Planning Council (CLPP), which opened its doors to communal seeking funds for the improvement of their sectors. Carmen

Feo, community council spokeswoman, said that more than six months are requesting this document to the institution without receiving a response. "We saw more than 50 times and nothing we say something positive, what keeps us from register."

This process will run until Friday 18 March and has 5 million to distribute Bs found in the Social Investment Fund. Feo makes a call to Leticia Guillen, secretary of ClpP, to extend the closure and avoid some tips excluded.

As Fundacomunal refusal, considered to be a critical position Variant of Guayas to "evil actions of the Mayor. However, we are many tips that do not support his administration. " also said they deserve the money they need to channel the sewage pipe was damaged and white during the rains in November and December 2010. "We also have the right, were elected legally."


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Guayas variant alert that they are excluded in the CLPP.

On March 25, 2011, El Universal in its online edition, reports that the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, on Friday approved the creation of a District Development Motor rebuilding communities south of Lake Maracaibo, which have been severely affected by heavy rains that are registered in the state since last October 2010.

This was announced by Vice President Elias Jaua Milano, interviewed by Venezolana de Television (VTV) during a tour to inspect the emergency situation in the south of the Lake in Colon County, Zulia state, VNA reported. Jaua said that in the coming days will be designated the sole authority to conduct its first district motor development district created by the national government under the new Law of the Federal Government.

Executive Vice President said that this agency will be responsible for overseeing levee reconstruction, recovery of housing and farm damaged by the action of rain and expropriated by the Executive and which still lie workers.

Vice President, only to the agricultural area has been earmarked Bs.100 million.

More Resources

President of the Republic, Hugo Chávez, approved on 15 March, a total of 185 000 000 518 000 Bolivars to the implementation of study and works for flood control South Lake area.

This investment will be to carry out engineering works of flood control, levees and drains, which will invest 15 million Bs. For dredging works has 100 million Bs, while construction and maintenance of dams and dikes were allocated a total of 70 million 518 thousand Bolivars.

also on 22 March, the Venezuelan president approved a total of 450 000 000 181 000 99 Bs with nine cents for the establishment of District Development Engine South Lake, which will implement the Reconstruction and Reorganization Plan South of Lake Maracaibo.

"The creation of the Motor Development District to the National Government will allow us to build the land of the entire region, while achieving economic and social development throughout the South of Lake", underscored this Monday The Vice President Elias Jaua, during a tour of the subregion.

These resources approved by the Bolivarian Government intended to carry out urgent works to clean up flooded areas, reconstruction of main roads and the construction of social infrastructure and services (schools and houses).

Similarly, these resources will help foster the development of primary and secondary production in the subregion Venezuelan actions include land reclamation (the fight against large estates) to implementation of the Great Mission Agro Venezuela.

States involved

Reconstruction and Reorganization Decree South of Lake Maracaibo involving 17 municipalities, three states, covering an area of \u200b\u200b1,057,942.40 hectares.

The municipalities are: Francisco Javier Pulgar, Semprum Jesús María, Sucre, Catatumbo Colon, Zulia, García Heiva, Pan and Tachira Samuel Darío Maldonado, Alberto Adriani, Tulio Febres Cordero, Julio César Salas, Bishop Ramos Lora and Caracciolo Parra Olmedo, Merida state, as well as La Ceiba, Sucre, Bolívar and Monte Carmelo, Trujillo state.


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create by decree a Motor Development District.

On March 24, 2011, the website of the National Assembly deputy reports that Hector Navarro (PSUV-Miranda), chairman of the Standing Committee of the Comptroller, highlighted the importance of reform Against Corruption Act and indicated that it is well advanced and received in full commission, the approval of the Comptroller General's Office.
In this regard, it said that the emphasis on punishment, sanctions, and increase the strength of penalties to offenders, which stressed that fully supports. "If anyone is interested in crime that is punished is President Chavez. Those are the precise instructions that we have, "he argued during his participation in the Viva Assembly, which transmits ANTV.
Asked action against corruption in the private, Navarro said that there is corruption, inevitably there must be a corrupting agent. "Corruption always has two ends: one that corrupts and one that is corrupted. No There is possibility of a corrupt State, Government, Public Administration, with no particular interest behind ..., corruption arises when the desire for accumulation born, "he said.

legislative agenda

later clarified the context in which it approved the legislative agenda and why were 28 projects, when the right required to include one hundred laws, because it was not enough.

stressed that practically all the bills that the opposition MPs are presenting, "that if the First Job, that if Social Security, if pensions, because they want to differentiate pensions for old people that if, for fishermen, for the mechanics ... No. No. It is a single body of pensions. They are interested in this separation to avoid the responsibilities of the private companies with their employees ... We will create a complete body to pay who have to pay. "

Navarro stressed in this regard, proponents are working to defend the interests of Fedecámaras; of the owners of means of production of the owners of capital and thus make proposals that are not insulated comprehensively discussed, because it leaves legal gaps where they will fracture the law and "slip individuals as those who speculated, but they employed."

MP reiterated that in preparation of the agenda pleased with the 28 bills, each committee consulted with its members, stressed that the strategy of opponents, they are one hundred or more laws to end approval of around 35, is only for dilatory tactics during the debates, allowing discredit the National Assembly in the media, arguing that "it is inefficient because they are in the hands of 'Chavez' or left and why the government should return the right. "

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" It's very easy for them to sabotage the legislative work, because when it is a bill in second reading in plenary should discuss it article by article and, practically, you brings the discussion of an item during a meeting, because you write down all to talk about the article and produce a retarding action of delay, a tortoise operation, "he said.

refuted the position of opposition parliamentarians, who are eligible projects proposed law as a misanthropic, claiming that if we review the Higher Education Act, or the law of Culture demonstrates the important social impact for the life of Venezuelans.

"You're seeing things, it seems, with a disability, but I think it is much more than disability, this fits into a pattern that led to the National Assembly to act on it," Navarro stressed.

Source: the-corruption-does-emphasis-on-sanctions-for-crimes-against-the-thing-public-& Itemid = 50

Friday, March 25, 2011

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About the Law against corruption.

On March 24, 2011, and signed by Vanessa Pereira, the web portal of the National Assembly, issued a press release in which it states:
vice-president United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and first vice president of the National Assembly, Deputy Aristobulo Isturiz, led a major debate on the strategic lines of action with political party officials assigned to the ministries of the national government's policy Vice President, On-site Bicentennial Hall Hotel Alba Caracas.

In this day of reflection, employees of the Vice President, Office of the Presidency, Foreign Affairs, Interior, Communication and Information, Defense Attorney, discussed the possibility of advancing the democratic consolidation of Venezuelan society in order to consolidate the Venezuela's socialist model.

During his speech, Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Aristobulo Isturiz pointed out that the force and reason are necessary to consolidate the socialist project in the country.

"To build the plan that unites us need two things: reason and force, one to form our political project and the other for attaining the organization of the people," he said.

also referred to the experience which the government has achieved over the past 10 years, which has been deeply evaluated to see how much they have progressed. He noted that within the revolutionary process have been achieved, and that is why the Revolution is a reference in the world.

"When we received the country had a huge social, and President Chavez has done much without changing the economic model, taking as a strategy to reach the people through missions "he said.

In that sense, Isturiz said that party members as well as officials of the Deputy Prime area, the strategy should be to strengthen the people's government.

"We must unite to work towards the welfare of the people, to consolidate as a big move and doomed to effectively addressing the needs of the most vulnerable" said.

The discussion of the strategic lines of the PSUV political action seeks to establish channels of dialogue between the Party, Government and representatives of People's Power in its various forms.

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strategic focus on the lines of the PSUV State officials. They report Founding Charter

On March 23, 2011, I found a website of People's Power of Miranda Municipality, Zulia State, in establishing the following schedule of visits to promote Founding Charter of the Commune under construction "Sword of Bolivar."

The note written on this site was published on March 17, 2011 by William Morantes and lets you read: Friday March 18, 2011, Common Council visit downtown Punta de Piedra - Location: Club Punta Stone (All meetings at 4:00 pm)

Monday March 21, 2011, visit San Clench Common Council Naranjal - Location: Community House.

Tuesday March 22, 2011, visiting New Miranda Community Council Second Stage - Held Magisterium.
March 23, 2011, visit Pueblo Nuevo Community Council Matejei. Location: Pulilavado.

Thursday March 24, 2011, visit Communal Council Caimito. Location: Community House.

Friday March 25, 2011, visit Community Council of San Jose María. Location: Lomas.

Monday March 28, 2011, check out Ana Maria Campo Community Council 2nd Stage. Location: Est Edicta Ferrer.

Tuesday March 29, 2011, Common Council visit visit Domitila Flores - El Calvario. Location: Old Margariteño.

Wednesday March 30, 2011, visit Communal Council Grapes. Location: Community House.

Thursday March 31, 2011, visit Pueblito Nuevo Community Council - Santa Ana Location: Community House.

Friday April 1, 2011, visit Jaracacial Community Council. Place: School Araguaney.

Monday April 4, 2011, check out Rafael M. Common Council Baralt. Place: Ms Maribel room.

Tuesday, 5 2011, visit Communal Council Playitas. Place Casa de la Cultura.

Wednesday April 6, 2011, visit the New Dawn Community Council. Location: Community House.

Thursday April 7, 2011, visiting New Caimito Community Council. Location: Community House.

Friday April 8, 2011, visit Communal Council Tartagal. Location: Community House.

Monday April 11, 2011, visiting Santa Ana Community Council Nuevo Amanecer. Location: Community House.

Tuesday April 12, 2011, visit Community Council Highway 4-27. Location: Diagonal CDI.

Wednesday April 13, 2011, visit Pueblo Nuevo Community Board 1 and 2. Location: Community House - Stage diagonal.

Thursday April 14, 2011, visit Brisas Common Council January 23. Location:

Friday April 15, 2011, check out Buena Vista Community Council II. Place Community House.

For Monday April 25, 2011, in the BBS Alejandro Fuenmayor at 4:00 pm will be organized visits for the rest of the Communal Council.

Remember that each Community Council is a sponsor of the commune spokesman and his deputy, who must organize the community with more mechanisms for the promotion of the commune.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Smokeless Tobacco Diabetes

community under construction "Espada de Bolívar" in Municipio Miranda del Zulia. Done

On March 22, 2011, the website of the Ministry for Community stated that the purpose of providing working methodologies to strengthen the support units, the Department of Community Participation (VPC), Ministry of Power for Municipalities and Social Protection, held the 1st Regional Meeting of Community Participation System.
The meeting was held at the headquarters of the Vice Ministry of Community Participation on University Avenue in Caracas, and was part of the adjustments in the work system, since it requires mechanisms to carry out revolutionary work led by President, Hugo Chávez, in order to strengthen opportunities for discussion and reflection.

Thus, the people's government may have the tools to identify their main problems.

Fundacomunal coordinator of Zulia, Aracelis Perez, stated that is leading the joint entity with diverse Western State institutions, such as: Enelven, Hidrolago and Petro-regional, in order to provide the necessary attention to the People.

addition, the officer said he was open to receiving ideas for concrete actions requested by the community.

For Perez, the expectation as a State is to strengthen the working committees and promote the plan Habitat Integral Transformation (HIT), and historical analysis tools are provided in the papers to understand where we come from and where we go and disseminate information faster and transform processes.

The event included a lecture by Elio Hernandez, who referred to what the People's Power, so that each participant is rooted in creativity, linked to the historical moment, for a faithful implementation of the objectives.
Source: Mya
Scott / / Press Fundacomunal

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Reverb For Microphone

10 types of Colombian twitter (because I'm SME)

I do not know how long I'm on Twitter and of course I know a hoot, and obviously am not one of those thoroughbred professionals who were already Whimbrel they invented the popular platform of the bird. I do not care to assess my "performance" cientocuarentacaracterólogo, probably because for every person that I "still", five out running, in which I have already experienced since the end of the writing in this blog has taught me that for each paragraph I make, on average, 3 madrasahs.

However, the time spent reading @ 's #' s me allowed to know certain twitter profiles abound, especially in Colombia. Thus through this text will begin to proclaim as Social Media Expert (SME), because after writing this fully fulfill the three requirements to be one of them in Colombia: the first is self-labeled as such, the second platitudes that and last but not least, keep decalogues editor at heart.

Without further ado, here I found the profiles (obviously, to consolidate and EMS, will be 10):

1. Celebrity Creole Knowing full well that the TV does turn capriciously ragamuffin star any fine-featured, 140 characters are more than sufficient to clear the mental limitation that ensures the reputation, which can erode slightly if it goes against the outrage trilled with the twitter that day. However, and despite a couple of lines are evident a brain smaller than a peanut, celebrities always have thousands of followers.

2. Cartoonist: What is clear to the presence of cartoonists on Twitter, is that a single drawing with a few more bullets enough for them, everything else left over. With their songs never tire to tire, also demonstrating that their interaction with something more alive than a sheet and a pencil, as beings reveals that the same Mussolini fascists. They themselves are a caricature.

3. lizards Club: As internet is the ideal medium to achieve the feeling of no longer being anonymous, the best way to make some mention is that everything will be copied trine Daniel Samper Ospina or a celebrity twitter. If they said they think it deserves to be tweeted, the lizard will be rewarded with a fleeting appearance in a timeline reading, which moves at the speed where another lizard displayed in search of a Retweet, ie in 0.5 seconds

4. Community manager: Fresh from college, university or even as most of these characters are responsible for giving voice to a company or brand. They take very seriously the theory they have learned, under which brands should engage with your audience, listen and participate in discussions in a close, so much so that the community managers end up managing such accounts as if they were drinking beer in shop across the street. That when they confuse their personal account of his work and going a madrazo then have no reasons and if not erasing the trill that a hunter will already have rabbits caught in a snapshot impression.

5. Social media Expert: Follow all is the watchword. Once you've followed all the human or robot who is on Twitter, fans will ensure a percentage of free and friendly formula that followback (follow those who follow them no matter who they are or what they say). With several thousand fans as collateral, these characters come to organize talks and workshops of platitudes, which also speak of rules and decalogues legitimize them charge several thousands of pesos to the unwary who fall into their social-networking.

6. The daily routine: His main interest is to tell the world that was just burned to a pope, who is with wet feet because of the rain, the beans that have ingested the boarding in the bathroom or Germain the man is so funny, so without further ado, without further processing and as expressed here.

7. The hacked: Blessed be the hacker, because thanks to that dark character saying you can ride anything and then blame the ghost interference in the account. Argued that the defense minister when he made a mistake, journalist Ricardo Orrego when it confirmed the death of Alfonso Cano Candela or black when he killed Joe Arroyo. Say what you want you will always blame the hacker, who apparently already had access to the brain.

8. Instant Expert: If there are demonstrations in Egypt, they will become experts in the country and talk day and night in its history, politics and economics, and rebuked everyone who does not know as much as them. They are fast readers Wikipedia and kicked out fun facts such information every minute.

9. kits Hunter: His life is intended to correct, and if you bug hunters in the films, in Twitter are those who are always careful that someone does not have the spelling Rufino José Cuervo or say something stupid. Bears witness to every mistake and if they were, sent to the stake the authors of the error.

10. politician: The SME (like me) say that current policy is vital to have a presence on networks social. Therefore, candidates for any elective office begin to transcribe speech segmented into 140-character messages. Like celebrities, the overwhelming use of Twitter shows that for a politician the only requirement is not having gone through the primary, easily verifiable property with a visit to the account of the chairman.

Dawn Pokemon Pregnant

a Regional Meeting on Community Participation System. Meeting promoters

On March 23, 2011, the Ministry's web portal reports for Community Development Fund Microfinance (FONDEMI), an entity under the Ministry of Popular Power for Community and Social Protection, held the first meeting of Legal Advocates various states, with the purpose of discussing the 5 Laws of the People, to raise awareness about the adequacy of community councils and report the actions to be taken to recover funds transferred to civil associations cooperatives Vuelvan Caras ,
Thus, detailing the registration process to be carried out socio organizations that make life in communities, whether or Family Production Units Direct Social Owned Enterprises Community, to access financial and other resources transferred by the Bolivarian Government through its branches. Johan

Lanz, Legal Consultant Fondemi, noted that this meeting it became necessary to "socialize the laws of People's Power 5, which were adopted to reinvigorate our work with the people, forcing us to adapt our processes, for example, with legal personality will now have organizations that are funded socio by the institution. "

Lanz said: "The promoters participants must be multipliers in their communities than they are here to discuss and understand the importance of registering to the community councils stop shop." Meanwhile, Alexandra Pizzoferrato, Capital District's legal advocate, said: "This meeting is relevant to realize all the activities that we want to make or revive the recovery of resources and that can be reinvested in the community for the benefit of other spokespersons.
This meeting takes place as part of the Review, Correction and is doing Fondemi Reinvigoration their processes, referring to the package of laws passed by the National Assembly in December 2010 and coming to consolidate and lay the foundations of the productive economy in the communities.

Zoraibeth Sosa / Press Fondemi

Sample Speech For Company

5 laws on the legal community built

On March 23, 2011, the daily El Tiempo de Trujillo reports that the governor Hugo Cabezas resumed through the Unified Development Trujillo State (Fudet), construction of the socialist community "Luis Cabezas" in the town Boconó, which will greatly improve the situation work more than fifty workers begin their work task next Monday.

During the activity the President of Fudet, Nader Martelo, congratulated the entire team working in the borough to be built in the garden of Venezuela, who has been struggling in search of employment and wage improvements, since started in office.

stressed that during the labor dispute socialist Hugo Cabezas governor has shown interest and willingness to vindicate the people Trujillo and provide a satisfactory answer to the more than fifty employees of the commune "Luis Cabezas" and four communes that are built Trujillo statewide.

Jesus Reinoso, head teacher, said during the meeting stated that next Monday will start the construction of the district, noted that the major concern of workers was not the cancellation of the seven weeks that are owed, but continued employment in the work, which allows more than fifty workers each week to bring sustenance to their homes. Reinoso said that this meeting had not been made before, as the President of Fudet, Nader Martelo, was taking office and reviewing the status of each of the songs he performs the Socialist government in the state.
In this regard, Jorge Prieto, in charge of electricity in the commune, said that during the meeting raised some lack of materials for the continuation of the work, which were guaranteed by Martelo during the week to that Monday is start work without delay.

For its part, Hector Soles, community worker, said after the meeting will pleasing news to his fellow workers, as is the beginning of the work next Monday and with it the recognition of all employee benefits established by law, including other positive results.

Previous to this release:

El Diario Los Andes of March 19, 2011, under the signature of Hector Briceño, reported:

For 22 days are having problems with payments for work performed and wages fallen 5 weeks, making a total of eight weeks, as reported by Jesus Alberto Reinoso who works for eight months in the Socialist Luis Cabezas, a housing development that runs on the Boconó Single Fund for Development status Trujillo (Fudet). / 105 894 /
The apartment complex that began Fudet since August 2010, is now paralyzed lack of resources to settle the workers working on site, the workers demand payment eight weeks, including five of them as wages
says that since early this year Mr. Juan Toro, as head of Fudet, authorized the continuation of the work with about eighteen workers, security that did exist the necessary resources. The fact is that the new president of the agency, Mr. Enrique Martelo Nader, from his appointment not done this in Boconó, so totally unaware what is happening and whether they have any knowledge through his emissaries, so far we have not been offered any solutions.

Someone should tell what's going on with the work, if it was stalled for some reason we must know what is happening. As people and workers can not be so insignificant as to not being taken into account decent work we do. We call on Governor Hugo Cabezas and political commissioner Boconó, Juan Carlos Cabezas, to order a solution to the problem we face.
Meanwhile the workers are to gait and fear of being evicted from the house where they are housed under the lease and not canceled.
is to press
The complainant said on behalf of his colleagues, that the only legal action that exists regarding the work stoppage is the measure of pressure that are putting workers and know of another decision on . This is clarified by the number of comments that have sprung up around the building allegedly also be paralyzed by judicial order or otherwise. 52 workers are found in conflict, "welcoming us to the provisions of the Act, which all work must be paid promptly and we must now walk up mode."
The clarification is valid, because they ensure that the work complies with the requirements of law, there is no reason why it is crippled by technical defaults. Are tunnel-like buildings that have no more super structure is a complete solid porcelain, rather heavy. Already culminated the seven tiles, have four empty apartment and by now should have at least four buildings exhausted. There are 72 housing solutions that something would come to remedy the housing problem that confronts Boconó.

Government also failed

The workers say they are clamoring for this work because it is the only source that exists in this area and what they do. Stated that private enterprise committed offenses and are paying for the consequences, but now no one can build infrastructure. The government is building that also fails, as is the case of the Commune Luis Cabezas and we are outraged that no response.

We are able The President wants to continue the works, to construct two million homes in 7 years, for the love of God, while we are how many are going to be built annually? No need to bring: Russian, Arabic, Chinese or Portuguese, when we are able to build these buildings, here, anywhere in the country and even overseas if necessary. Therefore we demand that we take into account. This work to the extent that they continue, will provide employment to many people that will be generated in the masonry and others.

not know

give the impression that they got a witch without learn about the herbs. I believe the only thing that was clear in this work was Mr. Juan Toro, but Mr. Enrique Martelo Nader as President of Fudet, has shown the opposite, to the point that in three months we do not even named We deserved this and supervision since August 2010 we are working on this project, we do not know.

Pronounced union

Aurelio Bastidas, leader of the construction union, states that want to provide a solution doing justice to the workers who work here, so that the work can continue in peace healthy. Fudet He called upon for give a satisfactory explanation to the situation that confronted the Socialist Commune Luis Cabezas with these 52 construction workers who are doing work in the housing development.

We sent messages to those responsible for the work, to the extent that a report was prepared on 4 March 2011, by which authority is requested in the body. But so far none has come forward.

They are in breach of the social and economic benefits established by collective agreement in force for the sector. Even we are seeing is complying with the rules of hygiene and safety, among others.

guarimberos Not

The union representative called for the filing of the charge of Fudet and find that workers who claim their rights are not as guarimberos pretends to discredit the struggle, when they in no time have spoken out against the process. It is a peaceful demonstration to demand a just claim their fair share according to the provisions of the Labor Law, the hiring of the construction industry and last but not least, is also guaranteed in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic Venezuela. Hence our support for all affected. We plan this Friday will undertake the necessary legal actions to which the actual payment of these workers who deserve our support.


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with employment benefits for those working in it.

On March 22, 2011, the website of the National Assembly, reports that the Directorate General for Legislative Development of the National Assembly (AN), gave a talk on "Paris Commune "and the definition today of the Commune as construction of an alternative state and downstream of the city organization, in the Battle of Carabobo Auditorium, located in the former headquarters of the Bolivian Museum in Caracas.

The event was attended by: Dario Vivas, Peter Sassone and Julio Chavez and former parliamentarian Ulises Daal. sustainable development, endogenous, diversification of the economy, and citizen participation as a right and duty, in addition to deepening democracy, allowing for interaction between state and society, through People's Power are part of the fundamental guidelines of the conformation communes, which referred to by the former deputy Ulises Daal, who also explained that this development is based on the principle of responsibility as a citizen right.

worth noting that the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, began a process of political change, covering all areas of structural transformation from a dependent capitalist country into a socialist socio-economic and geopolitical innovative content exposed on the Law of Municipalities, whose primary goal is none other than contribute to the reestablishment of the Venezuelan State.

Under of this preamble reflected in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Deputy Darío Vivas (PSUV-Dtto. Capital), said during the meeting that in the struggle for nation building and sovereignty, the Organic Law of Municipalities People consolidate power in the country to recognize the capacity and collective social force that has organized the sovereign people as the highest authority.

In his view, the socialist local authority constituted by sovereign initiative organized people, builds the new republic formed from the base, which may or may not coincide with the political and administrative boundaries of states, municipalities or federal agencies.

addition, the Popular Power, as owner of the collective social means of production and all natural resources existing in the national territory, including those created on the initiative and determination, will implement and monitor, in full exercise of sovereignty, all political decisions, economic, social, ethical, moral and philosophical for the purpose of building and sustaining the Bolivarian state based on socialist democracy.

structure and content of the law

the Municipalities Act provides that politically they is a social space defined by the integration of neighboring communities with a shared historical memory, cultural traits and customs, found in the territory they occupy and in productive activities that serve as sustenance, and which carry the principles of sovereignty and active participation as an expression of popular power.

In its structure, has an institutional organization, whose action is determined by a blueprint for action and clearly defined purposes by the Community Charter, which arises Community Strategic Policy Plan.

Within organizational figures highlight the true power of the communal parliament, Council of Communal Economy, Banco de la Commune, socio Organizations, Council of Social, Community Justice.

The participation of all people in general in the process of defining and implementing public management by the communities, in monitoring and evaluating their results in an objective, sufficient and timely according to law, responds to the inclusion process demanded by the Venezuelan people in the pursuit of organized exercise the constitutional right of legislative initiative.

With this instrument, aims to open the floodgates for building a socialist geographical space, with different modalities of management of public policies that will direct expression in the organized and cohesive social actors around territorial units equivalent to their skills, as inherent in a territorial jurisdictions recognized by the same ownership and settlement of the population, legitimized by the State in response to the principles for the construction of the XXI Century Socialism.

Source: power-folk-& Itemid = 50

Cube Field Runner Cube Runner/field Fans?


Chapter on Wednesday of "The Chosen", Veronica (Leticia Bredice ) confirmed her pregnancy and I want to tell everyone. Andrew (Pablo Echarri) is appalled. Veronica realizes that Andrew is resisting the idea of \u200b\u200banother child, but she pretends It's all good.

With all the lawyers in the survey, Oscar announces the launch of the political plan, but also looking into the eyes of Mariana (Paola Krum), informing them of the pregnancy of Veronica. Mariana is shocked.

How Long Does Hematoma Takes To Dissolve


Chapter on Wednesday of "A Year to Remember, Dante (Gaston Pauls) manages to rescue Sabrina (Thelma Fardin) the girl kidnapped. Mica (Eleonora Wexler) who called police to intervene is about to gain a reward for it and proposed a celebration to the Great in the supermarket.

Dante, in secret, going to see Ana (Carla Peterson) to communicate the good news. He clarified that wants to be with her and be left on the next day. But again, Victor (Rafael Ferro) ruined the plans.

Amid the celebration, Ariel (Juan Manuel Guilera) and Vero (Valentina Bassi) have sex without worrying. Mica she tells Anna who is alerted by pregnancy.


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This Saturday at 20.30 pm., Telefe presents the end of "Talento Argentino", under the leadership of Mariano Peluffo and jury participation Catherine Fulop, Kike Teruel and Maximiliano Guerra.
comes the most anticipated night, full of dreams and strong emotions. After much effort the participants reached the finish line, but only one of them wins.
In vivo, the 6 finalists will reappear one last time on stage and try to show why they came to this last instance, which will define which of them will be credited the award.

The finalists are:
Quattro: A group of singers, tenors and sopranos of Tucumán.
Diego Gutierrez: bandoneonist Corrientes. Gabriela Maldonado
: Singer lyrics of La Rioja.
Juan Francisco Segui and Mayra Soro: Couple tango dancers in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires
Circo Blue: Hailing from La Rioja.
The Brothers Núñez: instrumental folk group of Santiago del Estero.
