Saturday, March 26, 2011

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create by decree a Motor Development District.

On March 24, 2011, the website of the National Assembly deputy reports that Hector Navarro (PSUV-Miranda), chairman of the Standing Committee of the Comptroller, highlighted the importance of reform Against Corruption Act and indicated that it is well advanced and received in full commission, the approval of the Comptroller General's Office.
In this regard, it said that the emphasis on punishment, sanctions, and increase the strength of penalties to offenders, which stressed that fully supports. "If anyone is interested in crime that is punished is President Chavez. Those are the precise instructions that we have, "he argued during his participation in the Viva Assembly, which transmits ANTV.
Asked action against corruption in the private, Navarro said that there is corruption, inevitably there must be a corrupting agent. "Corruption always has two ends: one that corrupts and one that is corrupted. No There is possibility of a corrupt State, Government, Public Administration, with no particular interest behind ..., corruption arises when the desire for accumulation born, "he said.

legislative agenda

later clarified the context in which it approved the legislative agenda and why were 28 projects, when the right required to include one hundred laws, because it was not enough.

stressed that practically all the bills that the opposition MPs are presenting, "that if the First Job, that if Social Security, if pensions, because they want to differentiate pensions for old people that if, for fishermen, for the mechanics ... No. No. It is a single body of pensions. They are interested in this separation to avoid the responsibilities of the private companies with their employees ... We will create a complete body to pay who have to pay. "

Navarro stressed in this regard, proponents are working to defend the interests of Fedecámaras; of the owners of means of production of the owners of capital and thus make proposals that are not insulated comprehensively discussed, because it leaves legal gaps where they will fracture the law and "slip individuals as those who speculated, but they employed."

MP reiterated that in preparation of the agenda pleased with the 28 bills, each committee consulted with its members, stressed that the strategy of opponents, they are one hundred or more laws to end approval of around 35, is only for dilatory tactics during the debates, allowing discredit the National Assembly in the media, arguing that "it is inefficient because they are in the hands of 'Chavez' or left and why the government should return the right. "

Apply morrocoy operation "

" It's very easy for them to sabotage the legislative work, because when it is a bill in second reading in plenary should discuss it article by article and, practically, you brings the discussion of an item during a meeting, because you write down all to talk about the article and produce a retarding action of delay, a tortoise operation, "he said.

refuted the position of opposition parliamentarians, who are eligible projects proposed law as a misanthropic, claiming that if we review the Higher Education Act, or the law of Culture demonstrates the important social impact for the life of Venezuelans.

"You're seeing things, it seems, with a disability, but I think it is much more than disability, this fits into a pattern that led to the National Assembly to act on it," Navarro stressed.

Source: the-corruption-does-emphasis-on-sanctions-for-crimes-against-the-thing-public-& Itemid = 50


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